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What is lifestyle Inflation, and how does it Happen?

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Learn all about lifestyle inflation and how it happens here.

As you start your first job, it's essential to be aware of lifestyle inflation. It's a common situation where your spending increases as your income goes up. Picture it like this: You get a raise or a better-paying job, and suddenly, you feel like you can afford more things or experiences.

Lifestyle inflation can happen in various ways

Upgrade Temptation

With more money in your pocket, you might be tempted to upgrade your lifestyle. You might consider getting a bigger apartment, a fancier car, or splurging on luxurious items.

Indulging in Treats

Earning more might lead to treating yourself more often, like going out to eat at fancy restaurants or buying expensive gadgets.

Peer Pressure

When you see friends or colleagues spending on trendy stuff or going on extravagant trips, you might feel the pressure to keep up and spend more too.

Emotional Spending

Sometimes, when you're feeling happy or stressed, you might buy things to feel better. It's a way of rewarding yourself, but it can lead to overspending.

Convenience Choices

With a higher income, you might choose convenience over saving money. For instance, opting for takeout or delivery instead of cooking at home.

New Hobbies and Interests

As you earn more, you might explore new hobbies or interests that can be expensive to maintain.

How do you deal with lifestyle inflation

Being aware of lifestyle inflation helps you make informed choices about your spending. While enjoying the rewards of your hard work is okay, it's crucial to strike a balance. Managing lifestyle inflation allows you to maintain control over your finances and build a strong financial foundation for the future. Remember, it's not about avoiding spending altogether; it's about making thoughtful decisions about where your money goes.