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Interim Budget 2024: What is the Lakhpati Didi Yojana?

bangles on hand

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Ladies, listen up! Dreaming of starting your own business but worried about finances? The Lakhpati Didi Yojana empowers women in India with loans, training, and resources to become financially independent.

Life in Pune ain't easy, especially for a woman like me. I struggle to make ends meet, juggling household chores and the dabba business to put food on the table. My husband works tirelessly, but every month feels like climbing a mountain with groceries. Sometimes, I dream of starting my own small shop, selling homemade snacks or colourful bangles. But where would the money come from? The banks refuse loans to someone like me, and the neighborhood moneylender charges interest that makes my head spin.

I recently heard whispers about the Lakhpati Didi Yojana. Is it true the government is helping women like us become financially independent? Can I really get a loan of ₹1 lakh to kickstart my dream? What about the training, is it real? I don't even have fancy degrees, just the grit and determination to make a better life.

– Anandi (Pune)

Dear Anandi,

Your dreams are as bright and beautiful as the bangles you dream of selling! And let me tell you, the Lakhpati Didi Yojana could be the key that unlocks your potential. It's specifically designed for women like you, hardworking and ambitious, who want to be their own bosses.

Firstly, yes, the scheme aims to allow women to earn at least ₹1 lakh per annum. No more exorbitant moneylender fees! They will provide you with the initial money you need to buy supplies, rent a small stall, or even set up an online shop. The loan can be up to ₹5 lakh without interest.

To enroll in the Lakhpati Didi Yojana, interested women should participate in self-help groups. For more information, they can inquire at their nearest Anganwadi center.

But it's not just about the money. The Lakhpati Didi Yojana goes beyond that. They understand that not everyone has formal training. That's why they offer skill development programs covering everything from entrepreneurship to marketing and even basic accounting. Imagine, learning valuable business skills for free!

As per government data, one crore women have achieved millionaire status through 83 lakh self-help groups under this scheme. Additionally, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in the 2024 interim budget announcement, revealed the decision to raise the target from 2 crore to 3 crore women becoming millionaires through the program.

Within this initiative, women receive training in diverse skills such as operating drones, drone repair, plumbing, LED bulb manufacturing, and sewing. This training facilitates women in securing employment opportunities. Additionally, the scheme offers microloans to women, enabling them to initiate their own businesses. Furthermore, there is encouragement for women to utilize digital platforms for accessing banking services.

Remember, Anandi, you don't need a fancy degree to succeed. What you have is even more valuable - passion, dedication, and the desire to build a better life. The Lakhpati Didi Yojana recognizes that and is there to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Read more women-oriented Interim Budget 2024 announcements here.