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30 mins for 80% of the battery charged, is an Electric Car better than a CNG Car?

car being charged via electric output

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Exploring Efficiency: Electric vs. CNG Cars - Uncover Benefits Beyond Charging Time!

Yes 30 mins, at times even our mobile phone doesn't charge that fast right? Frankly speaking Electric cars are becoming popular each day. And why shouldn't they?! The increasing prices of fuel have pushed customers to think of different options. Apart from Electric Cars even CNG vehicles are selling real quick as a result. Just in case if you are wondering which one to buy, remember that selecting the wrong type of vehicle can negatively affect the environment and your pockets too. So it is important to understand which ones work and which ones don't, especially among CNG and Electric cars.   

CNG Car 

Electric Car (EV) 

Most of the rickshaws or public vehicles are CNG driven. Why? Because they are environment friendly and do not use petrol or diesel but rather depend on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Due to its rising demand, automakers are coming with more models and variants. But before investing in a CNG car, here are some points you need to consider.   As the name suggests, electric motors can power these vehicles. It uses a battery to store electrical energy. Once the battery has sufficient energy stored, the car is ready to use. However, it does have its own share of disadvantages. Let's look at them.   


  • Lesser Running Cost   
  • Requires Low Maintenance   
  • Cleaner option for the environment than petrol/diesel vehicles   


  • Absolutely no pollution   
  • Zero emission and so better than petrol, diesel and CNG vehicles   
  • They do not make any sound   
  • No need to stop at petrol/CNG pump stations   
  • Travels a longer distance on one single charge   
  • Govt. offers tax benefits under 80EEB section   


  • Low performance   
  • The cost of factory fitted CNG Car is higher than a petrol car   
  • CNG tanks occupy lot of boot space    
  • No luggage capacity   


  • Very expensive because of the powerful batteries   
  • Require frequent charging   
  • Difficult to find charging stations every time   

Which one to buy?    

So if you are already in the taxi or travel agency business or thinking to get into it, you must really think about the points mentioned above. Both the cars have their own set of positives and negatives. If you don't belong to a metro city, on one hand, finding a CNG Pump station closeby will be a challenge and on the other hand frequent power cuts can also be a problem if you go for an Electric Car. So do your own research and then take a decision.