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Tax-Saving Instruments: Boost Cash & Slash Tax with These 7 Super Weapons

Tax accountants desk cluttered with pen, documents and calculator - image tries to explain 7 best Tax-Saving Instruments

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Unleash the power of tax-saving instruments! Dive into this guide unveiling top seven super weapons that not only boost your cash reserves but also slash your tax liabilities.

While the idea of tax-saving instruments might not be thrilling, the reality is that employing a savvy tax-saving strategy can significantly enhance your financial standing.

By exploring these 7 clever NIFTY instruments, you can effectively reduce your tax burden and increase your available funds, offering more financial freedom to pursue your dreams:

1. Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS):

Think of these as stock market superheroes, but with a safety net. You invest in stocks while claiming tax deductions of up to ₹1.5 lakh on your premium. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Entire profit (capital gains) after one year is tax-free.Varies depending on market performance, but historically higher than other tax-saving options.3 years.

2. Public Provident Fund (PPF):

This long-term champion locks in your money for 15 years, but rewards you with handsome interest and tax benefits. Invest up to ₹1.5 lakh a year and enjoy tax deductions, tax-free interest accrual, and a tax-free lump sum at maturity. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Full exemption on investment, interest, and maturity amount.Around 7-8%, compounded annually.15 years.

3. National Pension Scheme (NPS):

Think of this as building a retirement superhero costume – invest up to ₹1.5 lakh a year and claim tax deductions. Choose your own investment mix and watch your nest egg grow. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Full exemption on investment, interest, and up to 40% of maturity amount.Depends on chosen investment option, but historically around 10%.Until 60 years old.

4. Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs):

These combine insurance coverage with investments, like a two-in-one superhero power. Claim tax deductions on premiums (up to ₹1.5 lakh) and enjoy market-linked returns. Choose your risk appetite and investment options carefully. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Partial exemption on maturity amount.Depends on chosen investment option and market performance.Varies depending on the plan

5. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS):

If you're a grey-haired hero (over 60 years old), this one's for you. Enjoy guaranteed, high-interest returns (currently around 7.4%) for 5 years with tax deductions on investments up to ₹1.5 lakh. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Interest income is taxable, but investment amount is deductible up to ₹1.5 lakh.Guaranteed 7.4% per annum.5 years.

6. National Savings Certificates (NSC):

This reliable option offers fixed interest for 5 or 10 years, making it a safe haven for your savings. Get tax deductions on investments up to ₹1.5 lakh and enjoy guaranteed returns even if the market goes haywire. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Interest income is taxable, but investment amount is deductible up to ₹1.5 lakh.Varies depending on the tenure (currently around 6.8% for 5 years and 7.6% for 10 years).5 or 10 years.

7. Tax-free Bonds:

Like a taxshield for your investments, these government-backed bonds offer fixed interest income that's completely tax-free! Invest up to ₹2 lakh and watch your money grow without worrying about the taxman. 

Tax exemption:Estimated returns:Lock-in period:
Completely tax-free on both interest and maturity amount.Varies depending on the bond series, but typically around 6-7%.Varies depending on the bond series.


Remember, these are just some of the tax-saving tools in your arsenal. Do your research, choose the ones that suit your risk appetite and financial goals, and watch your taxes shrink while your savings soar!