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All you need to know about TATA AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Policy

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Find out the features and benefits of the policy to determine if it's ideal for you.

In a world of uncertainties, it's crucial to safeguard our loved ones and secure their future. One way to achieve this peace of mind is through a well-structured life insurance policy. TATA AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Policy is one such plan.

Key Features

Here are the main features of the TATA AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Policy 

  1. Comprehensive Protection
    It provides financial protection through comprehensive coverage in case of the policyholder's unfortunate death, ensuring their loved ones remain financially secure.
  2. Multiple Plan Options
    The policy offers multiple plan options to meet every individual's unique needs, financial requirements, and budgets. 
  3. Flexible Premium Payment Options
    The policy accommodates various preferences, allowing policyholders to choose their premium payment frequency—annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly.
  4. Maturity Benefits
    Besides a death benefit, the policy also provides maturity benefits. If the policyholder survives the policy term, they can receive a lump sum.
  5. Tax Benefits
    The premiums and benefits in the Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Policy are eligible for tax benefits under the Income Tax Act's Section 80C and Section 10 (10D), providing additional financial advantages.
  6. Add-ons for Enhanced Protection
    For additional protection, one can add riders to the base plan. These add-ons, such as Accidental Total, Permanent Disability (ATPD), and CritiCare Plus (CCP), provide coverage against critical illnesses, disabilities, and more, ensuring you are adequately protected in every circumstance. There are also options such as: 
  • Life Plus plan option allows you to get up to 105% of the premium amount you paid
  • Life Stage option benefit lets you increase policy coverage at milestones such as marriage, buying a home, or becoming a parent. 

Is this policy for you?

The Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Policy suits individuals of various ages and income levels. Whether you are a young professional, a parent securing your child's future, or a retiree looking to leave a financial legacy, this policy can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Before opting for any policy, research thoroughly and seek professional advice for the best option.