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What is the Impact of GST on Citizens?

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GST simplifies taxation, impacting individuals and businesses with unified taxation.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an important system of taxation that affects individuals and businesses in various ways. Let's understand its role and impact in simple terms:

Role of GST

GST is a tax system that replaced many different types of taxes that existed before, such as sales tax and excise duty. Its main role is to simplify the tax structure and make it easier for the government to collect taxes.

What does GST do?

 When you buy something, like a toy or a book, you pay a certain amount of tax on it. The GST is like that tax. It is a small percentage of the price you pay for goods or services. The businesses you buy from collect this tax from you and then give it to the government.

One Nation, One Tax

Before GST, each state had its own different tax rules. It was confusing for businesses to understand and comply with so many different taxes. With GST, there is now one tax system that applies to the whole country. This makes it easier for businesses to operate across states.

How does it impact individuals? 

As an individual, you might not directly pay GST. But when you buy things like clothes, toys, or eat at a restaurant, the prices you pay include the GST. So, indirectly, you contribute to the GST by paying taxes when you make purchases.

Tax on Services

GST also applies to services like going to the movies, taking a cab, or eating at a restaurant. These services now have a tax called the GST, which is added to the prices you pay.

Lowering the Burden

GST aims to make taxes fairer and lower the overall tax burden on people. Before GST, there were many layers of taxes and this increased the prices of goods and services.

Benefits and Challenges

GST has many benefits, such as reducing the tax burden on individuals and simplifying the tax system. However, there have been some challenges in implementing GST smoothly, such as adapting to the new system and adjusting to the changes.