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Is Indian work culture lazy? Is hustle culture good or bad?

Unveiling the Work Culture Debate: Is India's Work Ethic Lazy? Explore the Pros and Cons of Hustle Culture. Dive into a nuanced discussion on productivity and well-being. Discover the insights now!

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From School Lunches to Beach Benches: How Mrs. Sawant Baked Her Dream Retirement

Discover Mrs. Sawant's recipe for a blissful future—juggling kids and retirement with finesse. Uncover the secrets to a happy retirement while navigating the challenges of parenthood.

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Tax Implications of Foreign Income

Learn how to report and pay taxes on income earned from foreign sources, including foreign tax credits and Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA).

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Moonlighters! The Ultimate ITR Guide for Freelancing Income Tax of Freelancers

Moonlighting by freelancing? Don't get taxed in the dark! This ultimate guide demystifies ITR filing for freelancers.Save money & avoid penalties. File like a pro - Read Now!

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Beyond Desk Job & Paychecks: Is South India Winning the Self-Employment Game? Let's Explore.

Delve into the entrepreneurial spirit of South India. Unravel the factors driving self-employment in the region. Gain insights into the vibrant economic landscape of the South. Let's break it down together!

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Preparing IT returns: Why it benefits to start early

Discover the advantages of early IT return preparation: from stress reduction to tax optimization. Start planning now!

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Turn Losses into Gains? Set-off & Carry Forward Strategies to Reduce Your Income Tax Liability

Don't let business losses or bad investments sink your tax savings! This article unlocks powerful Set-off & Carry Forward strategies to minimize your tax burden in India. Turn losses into tax savings! Read Now!

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Retirement Age Dilemma: Should We Work Longer? Examining the Pros and Cons of Raising India's Retirement Age

Should we extend our working years? Should India raise the retirement age? Weigh the pros and cons of working longer. This article explores the potential impact on individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole.

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Challenges faced by Women SMEs in Securing Credit

Explore the hurdles hindering SMEs from accessing credit. Uncover the challenges they face and gain insights into potential solutions. Enhance your understanding of SME credit dynamics by delving deeper.

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