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What are the Different Types of Cards in Banking?

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Banks offer a variety of cards like debit cards, credit cards, and prepaid cards.

Banks issue different types of cards that we can use to buy things or withdraw money. Here are a few of them:

Debit Cards

Credit Cards

Prepaid Cards

A debit card is like a special card that we can use to pay for things directly from our bank account. When we have a debit card, we can go to a store and buy things by swiping the card. The money is taken from our bank account right away.A credit card issued by a bank is another special card that we can use to buy things, but it works a bit differently. When we have a credit card, we can buy things and pay for them later. The bank lends us the money to make the purchase, and we promise to pay the bank back later. We need to be careful with credit cards and make sure we pay back the money on time or we have to pay huge interest on those amounts.A prepaid card is like a special card that we can use to buy things, but it's not connected to our bank account. We need to load money onto the card before we can use it. It's like a card to travel on a train or bus.

It's important to use these cards responsibly and keep them safe.