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Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Top Destinations, Costs, and Career Insights

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With the rise of remote work, the world has become your office. Discover the top destinations, costs, and career insights to help you navigate this exciting lifestyle and achieve your goals.

Digital nomadism means a lifestyle where individuals work remotely while traveling the world. This modern way of working has gained popularity because of the advancements in technology, allowing people to be location-independent. Digital nomads use technology like laptops and smartphones to perform their jobs from various locations, such as cafes, co-working spaces, or even beaches. This lifestyle offers flexibility and freedom, enabling individuals to visit different places while earning an income.

As of 2024, there are around 35 million digital nomads worldwide, with 16.9 million from the United States.    

To support this information, Investopedia defines digital nomads as individuals who work remotely using technology. This lifestyle has become more prevalent, especially after the 2020 economic crisis and lockdown, which led to a surge in remote work and the emergence of new digital nomads.

What Are the Top Countries for Digital Nomadism?

Digital nomadism has become popular globally, with many countries offering a mix of affordability, infrastructure, and cultural experiences that cater to this unique lifestyle. 

The digital nomad community grew by 131% from 2019 to 2022, tripling since the start of the pandemic.    

Here are some of the top countries for digital nomadism:


Known for its delicious food, low cost of living, and rich culture, Thailand is a popular destination for digital nomads. Chiang Mai is a hub for remote workers, with many coworking spaces and a thriving expat community.


Portugal offers a unique digital nomad visa program. This program allows remote workers to live and work in the country for up to a year. The cost of living is relatively low, and the country has a mild climate and beautiful beaches.

Costa Rica

With its tropical climate, stunning natural beauty, and low cost of living, Costa Rica is a popular destination for digital nomads. Many coworking spaces and expat communities are available, especially in cities like San José and Tamarindo.


Spain offers a variety of coworking spaces and a vibrant expat community, especially in cities like Barcelona and Madrid. The cost of living is relatively low, and the country has a rich culture and history.


Indonesia is another popular destination for digital nomads, with many coworking spaces and a low cost of living. Bali is a particularly popular destination, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant expat community.

These countries offer a mix of affordability, infrastructure, and cultural experiences that make them attractive to digital nomads. However, it is essential to research each location and consider factors such as visa requirements, cost of living, and local regulations before making a decision.

The United States holds the largest population of digital nomads at 47%, followed by the United Kingdom at 7% and Russia at 5%.    

Digital Nomads in India

India is a growing destination for digital nomads, offering a diverse culture, affordable living, and a growing digital infrastructure. The country has a surprisingly large, somewhat underground community of digital nomads already present, making it an attractive option for those looking to save money as a digital nomad.

Growing Community of Local & Global Nomads

India has a growing number local and global digital nomads, with many coworking spaces and affordable housing options available.

Amazing Diversity, Culture, Nature & Activities

India offers a rich cultural scene, with many opportunities to discover the country in a deep, slow, meaningful way. From sipping masala chai in the Himalayas to basking in the sun on the beaches of Goa, there is much to explore and experience.

Affordability & Laid-Back Lifestyle

India is one of the cheaper countries for digital nomads, with affordable housing, food, and travel options. The cost of living in India is generally less when compared to Western countries, making it an attractive option for those on a budget.
Almost half of digital nomads are Millennials, making up around 42% of the population, while Gen Z accounts for 19%.    

Costs Involved in Becoming a Digital Nomad in Other Countries

Becoming a digital nomad involves various costs, including housing, food, internet connection, and travel expenses. However, the overall cost of living can be lower compared to living in a developed country. Here are some typical costs to consider:


The cost of accommodation depends on the country and city. In some popular digital nomad destinations, such as Bali, Indonesia, or Chiang Mai, Thailand, you can find affordable apartments or co-living spaces for as low as ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 per month.


The cost of food also depends on the country. In Southeast Asian countries, you can find delicious local cuisine at affordable prices. For example, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, a meal at a local restaurant can cost as little as ₹150 to ₹300.

Internet connection

A working and reliable internet connection is important for digital nomads. The cost of internet varies depending on the country, but it is generally affordable in most digital nomad destinations. For example, in Bali, Indonesia, you can get a high-speed internet connection for around ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per month.

Travel expenses

Digital nomads often travel to different countries and cities. The cost of travel depends on the destination and mode of transportation. For example, flights within Southeast Asia can be relatively inexpensive, with prices ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 for a one-way ticket.

It is important to note that the cost of living can depend on the country and city. It is essential to research and budget accordingly before embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle.

Globally, digital nomads contribute an estimated $787 billion annually to the economy.    

Potential Savings as a Digital Nomad

One of the significant advantages of becoming a digital nomad is the potential to save money. By living in countries with a lower cost of living, you can significantly reduce your expenses on housing, food, and other necessities. Here are some examples of potential savings:


Renting a one-bedroom apartment in Bali, Indonesia, can cost around ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 for one month, which is less than the average rent in major Indian cities like Delhi or Mumbai.


Eating out in Thailand can cost as little as ₹150 to ₹300 per meal, which is much cheaper than dining out in developed countries.

Internet connection

High-speed internet in Morocco can cost as little as ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per month, which is a fraction of the cost in developed countries.

Travel expenses

Flights within Southeast Asia can be relatively inexpensive, with prices ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 for a one-way ticket.

These savings can add up quickly, allowing digital nomads to maintain a comfortable lifestyle while still having a significant amount left over for travel, entertainment, and other expenses.

In 2023, 17.3 million Americans, or 11% of the workforce, identified as digital nomads.    

Potential Disadvantages to Your Career as a Digital Nomad

While becoming a digital nomad can offer many advantages, there are also drawbacks to consider, especially in terms of career impact. Here are some points to keep in mind:


As a digital nomad, you may face unpredictable income and variable work schedules, which can make it challenging to plan your finances and career goals.

Limited Job Opportunities

Depending on the location and industry, you may face limited job opportunities or a lack of job security, which can impact your career growth and stability.

Networking Challenges

As a digital nomad, you may find it difficult to maintain a strong professional network, which can limit your access to job opportunities and career advancement.

Time Zone Differences

It can be challenging working across different time zones, especially if you need to collaborate with team members or clients in different regions.

Career Break

Taking a sabbatical from your career to travel and work remotely can impact your career momentum and make it harder to get back into the job market.

These potential drawbacks highlight the importance of careful planning and preparation before embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle. It is important to weigh the benefits against the potential challenges and ensure that your career goals align with your lifestyle choices.

Nomad List estimates there are almost 80 million digital nomads worldwide, with more than 37 million from the United States.    

Examples of Successful Digital Nomads

Many digital nomads have found success in their careers while embracing a location-independent lifestyle. Here are a few examples:

Pieter Levels

The founder of Nomad List, a popular website for digital nomads, has built a successful business while traveling the world.

Natalie Sisson

Also known as the "Suitcase Entrepreneur," has authored books and built a thriving online business while traveling.

Benny Lewis

The founder of Fluenz, a language learning platform, has learned multiple languages while living in different countries as a digital nomad.

Cody McKibben

The founder of Thrilling Heroics, a digital marketing agency, has managed his business from various locations around the world.

These examples demonstrate that it is possible to build a successful career while embracing the digital nomad lifestyle. However, it is essential to note that success as a digital nomad requires careful planning, discipline, and adaptability

Among digital nomads, the majority (76%) are of European descent, making them the largest ethnic group in this community.    


Digital nomading is an exciting and rewarding, offering freedom, flexibility, and the chance to see the world while earning an income. However, it is necessary to carefully consider the potential costs, challenges, and impact on your career before embarking on this journey.

By researching popular digital nomad destinations, understanding the costs involved, and weighing the potential savings and drawbacks, you can decide about whether the digital nomad lifestyle is right for you. It is also crucial to maintain a strong professional network, stay organized, and manage your time effectively to ensure career growth and stability.

In 2023, there were already 40 million digital nomads worldwide, a number expected to increase to about 60 million by 2030.    

Finally, the decision to become a digital nomad is a personal one that requires careful planning and preparation. By embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with this lifestyle, you can create a fulfilling and rewarding career while exploring the world.